Life Science

Deep-Freeze Sample Storage

Long-term storage of your valuable samples – UMD-Tubes are the perfect solution for long-term stabilization of intact microorganisms in clinical and other samples. UMD-Tubes can be ideally combined with our CE IVD kits  SepsiTest™-UMD and Micro-Dx™.

UMD-Tubes (Research Use Only)

prod teaser deep freeze

Characters and benefits:

  • Stabilization of live bacteria and fungi in fluid samples
  • Protection of pathogens from freeze-thaw damage
  • Vial and cryo-protectant are free of contaminating microbial DNA
  • Flexible sample volume: 0.4 to 2 ml

UMD-Tubes are vials containing a cryo-protectant for long-term storage of clinical and other fluid samples at -70 to -80 °C. The sample storage conditions are optimal for the analysis of samples at a later time, e.g. for studies and evaluations. Often, sampling and storage are critical steps, especially if assays are targeting intact cells. UMD-Tubes prevent the rupture of microorganisms by freeze-thaw events and guarantee full performance of the diagnosis without loss of sensitivity, even after months of storage.


Order information:

Order No.
Quotation Request
UMD-Tubes [Research Use Only] Storage of blood and other fluid samples, 0.4 - 2 ml

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