• Slider - MolYsis-SNplus™ IVD

    MolYsis-SNplus™ IVD

    New: IVDR-Compliant, Fully Automated
    Human DNA Depletion and Isolation
    of Bacterial/Fungal DNA

  • Slider - Micro-Dx™ CE IVD

    Micro-Dx™ CE IVD

    Automation in Routine Molecular
    Pathogen Diagnosis

  • Slider - DNA-free PCR Reagents

    DNA-free PCR Reagents

    Contamination-Free PCR
    Master Mixes and Assays

  • Slider - SepsiTest™-UMD CE IVD

    SepsiTest™-UMD CE IVD

    Unbiased 16S/18S PCR Diagnosis
    of Hundreds of Pathogens

  • Slider - MolYsis™


    Human DNA Depletion for
    Improved Molecular Pathogen Detection


Find any bacteria or fungi in clinical material even at low loads without cultivation. Molzym’s pathogen enrichment and contamination-free reagents boost molecular diagnosis to unknown precision.

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Life Science

Discover Molzym’s expertise in the supply of contamination-free reagents for the extraction of bacterial and fungal DNA, development of Real-Time PCR assays and deep NGS analysis of microbiomes.

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Clinical Diagnostics

Our IVD products enable the broad-range identification of pathogens by 16S and 18S rRNA gene sequencing. Just one protocol, manual or automated, serves the diagnosis of a great variety of specimens.

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Benefit from our long years’ experience in reagent decontamination and assay setup for precise and background-free molecular analysis of microorganisms in clinics, pharma QC and sterility testing.


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