Clinical Diagnostics

Automated Pathogen Diagnosis 

Fully Automated Pathogen Diagnosis Semi-Automated Pathogen Diagnosis

Micro-Dx™ CE IVD

Innovative automated pathogen DNA enrichment and isolation on SelectNA™plus robot combined with broad-range 16S & 18S PCR assays 


Combination of manual pathogen enrichment and automated DNA isolation and broad-range 16S & 18S PCR assays


Micro-Dx™ CE IVD (not available in USA)

Good bye enervating DNA preparation – CE IVD-marked Micro-Dx™ presents automated DNA preparation from diverse specimens. Low hands-on in Real-Time PCR diagnosis of pathogens is ideal for daily routine. 
 prod SelectNAplus 09 frei 3 4

Characters and benefits:

  • Completely automated human DNA depletion and microbial DNA extraction
  • Robotic isolation of bacterial and fungal DNA
  • Low hands-on time (10-15 min)
  • Just one protocol for a diversity of clinical specimens
  • Culture-independent diagnosis of growing and non-growing pathogens
  • Sequencing identification of pathogens from 160 bacterial genera
  • Exact discrimination of Candida, Cryptococcus and other yeast species, Aspergillus
  • Flexibility: processing of 1-12 samples per run
  • Controlled DNA-free reagents and consumables
  • Extraction and PCR run controls included

Micro-Dx™ is the culture-independent molecular analysis of bacterial and fungal pathogens in clinical specimens with fully automated extraction of microbial DNA by the SelectNA™plus robot. The test is validated for a variety of clinical specimens, including whole blood, CSF, BAL, joint aspirates, ascites fluid, peritoneal fluid, pus, wound and nasal swabs, bone and soft tissue biopsies, heart and aortic valves and more.

Micro-Dx™ does the extraction of microbial DNA in a completely automated, walk-away manner. The eluted DNA is depleted of human DNA which promotes PCR or Real-Time PCR analysis by the supplied DNA-free reagents to high detection levels and hence diagnostic accuracy.

The robotic extraction of DNA from a variety of specimens and the unbiased, broad-range identification of bacteria and fungi make Micro-Dx™ a valuable tool in the daily in-vitro diagnosis of pathogens. 


Sequencing strategy and BLAST analysis: Here you find more details about the sequencing strategy used in Molzym's IVD kits and the free online tool SepsiTest™-BLAST for sequence analysis.

Sample storage: In case of studies or long-term analyses, appropriate storage conditions of your samples are required to protect your microbial cells. Click here for more information.


Order information:

Order No.
Quotation Request

Micro-DxCE IVD

Fluids, tissue biopsies, swabs
24 reactions
48 reactions U-200-048
SelectNA™plus robot Instrument for fully automated microbial DNA extraction

Download section:

 Product Flyer  Version
 Micro-Dx™ Product Flyer (English)  V04
 Micro-Dx™ Product Flyer (German)  V01
 SelectNA™plus Product Flyer (English) V04
 Manuals Version
 Micro-Dx™ Manual (English)  V05
 Micro-Dx™ Short Manual (English)  V05
 Other Version
 Open list of microorganisms found in clinical and other specimens by sequencing March 2023
 Flyers Versions Overview November 2024
 Manuals and Datasheet Version numbers February 2025

Please inquire for more detailed information, applications and references at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!, call at +49 (0) 421 / 69 61 62 17 or visit our Blog.


Selected references:

Marbjerg LH, Holzknecht BJ, Dargis R, Dessau RB, Nielsen XHC, Christensen JJ (2020) Commercial bacterial and fungal broad-range PCR (Micro-Dx™) used on culture-negative specimens from normally sterile sites: diagnostic value and implications for antimicrobial treatment. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2020 Feb 22:115028.

Lustig M (2018) Clinical evaluation of Micro-Dx™ CE IVD – eubacterial and panfungal PCR diagnosis using automated DNA extraction. Trends in Molecular Diagnostics, no. 1/18: 1-2 (Molzym application note).

Rubalskii E, Ruemke S, Salmoukas C, Baussmerth C, Keim S, Linow M, Disqué C, Haverich A, Kühn C (2018) Broad-range 16S/18S PCR and sequencing diagnosis of infectious endocarditis using automated pathogen enrichment and DNA extraction. Poster, Infectious Diseases Diagnostics Conference, London, UK (Poster)

Schubert S (2017) Automated microbial DNA isolation from clinical samples for routine broad-range real‐time PCR analysis and sequence identification. Oral presentation no. OS0779, ECCMID, Wien, Austria (Presentation)



UMD-SelectNA™ CE IVD (not available in USA): 

UMD-SelectNA™ is a kit that uses semi-automated pathogen DNA isolation from clinical samples, broad-range 16S and 18S rRNA gene PCR or Real-Time PCR and amplicon Sanger sequencing for pathogen diagnosis.
 prod UMD SelectNA 300

UMD-SelectNA™ enables human DNA depletion in a manual procedure followed by magnetic beads-driven microbial DNA extraction on the following instruments:

  • Liaison® Ixt (Diasorin),
  • Arrow® (Nordiag),
  • Seeprep12™ (Seegene) or
  • GenoXtract® (Hain Lifescience)

Order information:

Order No.
Quotation Request


Fluids, tissue biopsies, swabs
24 reactions
48 reactions U-050-048

Please inquire for more detailed information, applications and references at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!, call at +49 (0) 421 / 69 61 62 17 or visit our Blog

Selected references:

Johannesen, KM, Kolekar, SB, Greve, N et al. (2019) Differences in mortality in Fusobacterium necrophorum and Fusobacterium nucleatum infections detected by culture and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2019) 38: 75. 

Tkadlec J, Peckova M, Sramkova L, Rohn V, Jahoda D, Raszka D, Berousek J, Mosna F, Vymazal T, Kvapil M, Drevinek P (2018) The use of broad-range bacterial PCR in the diagnosis of infectious diseases: a prospective cohort study. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2018 Oct 12. pii: S1198-743X(18)30668-2. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2018.10.001

Stavnsbjerg C, Niels Frimodt-Møller N, Claus Moser C, Thomas Bjarnsholt T (2017) Comparison of two commercial broad-range PCR and sequencing assays for identification of bacteria in culture-negative clinical samples. BMC Infectious Diseases, 2017, Volume 17, Number 1, Page 1,