Life Science

DNA-Free PCR Reagents & Assays

Try Molzym’s contamination-free PCR/Real-Time PCR products for the sensitive detection of bacterial and fungal DNA. Available are reagents for custom assay development and complete 16S and 18S assays.
PCR and Real-Time PCR Reagents Broad-Range 16S & 18S Assays
Polymerases, water and master mixes are manufactured free of microbial DNA and are high in amplification activity over 40 cycles. Master mixes contain all reagents for assays to be used with custom primers. Complete assays are available for the sensitive PCR/Real-Time PCR detection of parts of 16S and 18S rRNA genes of eubacteria and fungi, respectively. Amplicon sequencing primers enable their identification.

PCR and Real-Time PCR Reagents:

Our special purification technology removes traces of DNA from PCR reagents. Taq and master mixes unfold highest sensitivity and reliability of detection of microbial DNA in assays employing your own primers.
prod MolTaq16S 300

Characters and benefits:

  • High activity, DNA-free Taq DNA polymerases
  • Hot start Taq available
  • PCR amplification up to 40 cycles without background
  • Master mixes for PCR and Real-Time PCR (fluorescent dye)
  • Taq and master mixes are ready for probe assays

A series of kits is especially dedicated to the sensitive and specific detection of bacterial and fungal DNA in samples. All reagents are manufactured DNA-free with respect to microbial DNA contaminations. Likewise, the reagents are highly active in their amplification performance, allowing up to 40 amplification cycles without background in negative controls. DNA-free MolTaq 16S/18S and Hot MolTaq 16S/18S are the Taq DNA polymerases of choice if you experience contamination problems with other standard Taqs. The new developed Hot MolTaq 16S/18S combines the favourable characters of MolTaq 16S/18S with hot start amplification and thereby increased specificity. 

Master mixes contain pre-assembled reagents necessary for PCR, including dNTPs, buffer, and Mg2+ (3mM final concentration). Mastermix 16S/18S Basic is a ready-to-go master mix – just add your validated PCR primers and probes. Mastermix 16S/18S Dye is the master mix of choice if you want to run Real-Time PCRs with your primers using an intercalating dye.


Order information:

Product Application Order No. Quotation Request
DNA-free Taq DNA Polymerases   Request form
MolTaq 16S/18S Amplification of bacterial and fungal sequences P-019-0100,  P-019-0500
Hot MolTaq 16S/18S Hot start amplification of bacterial and fungal sequences P-080-0100,  P-080-0500
DNA-free Master Mixes  
Mastermix 16S/18S Basic Master mix for use with custom primers and probes S-040-0100,  S-040-0250,  S-040-1000
Mastermix 16S/18S Dye Master mix for custom Real-Time PCR assays S-030-0100,  S-030-0250,  S-030-1000
DNA-free Water  
DNA-free Water, PCR-grade For negative control PCR runs P-020-0003

Please inquire for more detailed information, applications and references at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or call at +49 (0) 421 / 69 61 62 15 or visit our Blog.  


Broad-Range 16S & 18S Assays:

Assays are available for the detection of bacterial and fungal DNA. They possess high activity for the amplification of hypervariable regions of the 16S and 18S rRNA genes down to femtogram amounts.

prod Mastermix 16S Complete 300

Characters and benefits

  • High activity, DNA-free
  • Bacterial 16S target: V3/V4 hypervariable region
  • Fungal 18S target: V8/V9 hypervariable region
  • Up to 40 cycles without background
  • PCR and Real-Time PCR (fluorescent dye) assays
  • Sequencing primers available for Sanger sequencing

Many applications demand a very sensitive and rapid detection of bacterial and/or fungal DNA. Such applications comprise microbial DNA analysis in clinics, quality testing of food and pharma products and contamination control of biotechnological processes. Molzym offers PCR and Real-Time PCR assays that test for even traces of bacterial and fungal DNA in a sample. Manufacturing under strict quality measures for the absence of DNA contamination guarantees reliable results from test to test.


Order information:

Order No.
Quotation Request
Ultra-Clean Bacterial DNA Assays
Mastermix 16S Complete
Ready-to-use Real-Time PCR assay targeting the 16S V3/V4 region
S-020-0100,  S-020-0250,  S-020-1000
Ultra-Clean Fungal DNA Assay
Mastermix 18S Complete
Ready-to-use Real-Time PCR assay targeting the 18S V8/V9 region
S-070-0100,  S-070-0250,  S-070-1000
Sequencing Primers
Set of Eubacterial Sequencing Primers
Set of sequencing primers, eubacterial (16S V3/V4)
Panfungal Sequencing Primer
Sequencing primer, fungal (18S V8/V9)

Download section:

 Product Flyer  Version
 DNA-free PCR Reagents Product Flyer (English)  V06
 DNA-free PCR Reagents Product Flyer (German) V01
 DNA-free Water Product Flyer (English)  V2.0 2015
 Other Version
 Flyers Versions Overview November 2024
 Manuals and Datasheet Version numbers November 2024

Please inquire for more detailed information, applications and references at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or call at +49 (0) 421 / 69 61 62 15 or visit our Blog.  


Selected references:

Tardif KD, Schlaberg R (2017) Development of a real-time PCR assay for the direct detection of Candida species causing vulvovaginal candidiasis. Diagn Microbiol Inf Dis,

Hammer A, Wolff D, Geißdörfer W, Schrey M, Ziegler R, Steiner HH, Bogdan C (2017) A spinal epidural abscess due to Streptobacillus moniliformis infection following a rat bite: case report. J Neurosurg, DOI: 10.3171/2016.12.SPINE161042.

Moore MS, McCarroll MG, McCann CD, May L, Younes N, Jordan JA (2016) Direct screening of blood by PCR and pyrosequencing for a 16S rRNA gene target from emergency department and intensive care unit patients being evaluated for bloodstream infection. J Clin Microbiol 54, 99–105.

Kacerovsky M, Musilova I, Jacobsson B, Drahosova M, Hornychova H, Rezac A, Andrys C (2015) Cervical and vaginal fluid soluble Toll-like receptor 2 in pregnancies complicated by preterm prelabor rupture of membranes. J Maternal-Fetal Neonatal 28, 1116-1122.